December 05, 2007

Share folders to windows users " SAMBA server"

STEP 1: Enable Network Connectivity to the SAMBA Server

Using the Fedora Network Configuration tool you will need to ensure that the ethernet card is enabled and properly functioning. Get quick access to the tool through this command: system-config-network

Once in the Network Configuration tool, you should ensure that your ethernet device is enabled. If it is not, select the eth device and then click on the Edit button. This will allow you to input the vital network adapter settings including: statically set IP address, subnet mask, and gateway. You should also select the top checkbox labeled Activate device when computer starts.

Close and save any changes you've made. The main goal is to ensure you have an ACTIVE and functioning network card on the SAMBA server.

Restart the network services or simply reboot your SAMBA server. Now try a ping to the server from another PC on the same subnet. At a command prompt, for example, type: ping

The ping should come back good validating your network connection. If you need more Linux system administration help read my Admin Commands List.

STEP 2: Enable SMB Services

the SMB daemon and other core services are usually NOT started by default. You will need to change this so that your SMB daemon is now started.

Using the GUI from the main menu, go to System Settings, then Server Settings, then choose Services. You can also get to this using the command: system-config-services

While you're looking over this long list of services, please DISABLE things you know for sure you do not need to run on this SAMBA server. For instance apmd, isdn, etc. But also ensure that key services such as SMB are selected and RUNNING. Select SMB and press the Start button. If it is supposedly already running you can press the Restart button to be sure it is indeed running correctly now.

Now press the Save button to make sure the configuration changes have been saved for future restarts.

Sometimes using the GUI just does not properly restart the SMB daemon. In such odd cases, I want to suggest you force a manual restart from the command line with this command:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart

STEP 3: Create Server Users & Directories

You will need to ensure that people also have a login to the SAMBA server to do their work. Logins should be provided on an as needed basis. Obviously, in most cases the users accessing the SAMBA server will be a subset of the total users on the Windows business network.

Create user logins with the Gnome User Manager tool in Fedora. You can find this from the main menu by choosing System Settings, then Users & Groups. The command for this is:

Notice this is the first step in creating SAMBA users, which comes later.

Add as many users as you need and then move on to the next part, which is creating directories (aka. folders) for use.

This is such an obvious step most people usually forget to think about it before hand. However, it is very helpful to think ahead what directories you will allow access to on the SAMBA Server for business use. In my case the people needing SAMBA server access will be updating webpages. Therefore, I do not need to add any other folders for file sharing or group interaction. Be sure you add any folders in a reasonable and ordered fashion.

STEP 4: Configure the SAMBA Server

It's time to configure your SAMBA server to allow others on the intranet to login and use the server from Windows or Linux PCs.

From the main Fedora menu, choose System Settings, then Server Settings, then Samba. You can also get to this tool by typing the command:

You are about to make changes to the SAMBA Configuration file called smb.conf. This file is found under /etc/samba.

A. Begin by Making Changes to the Server Settings

Under the Preference menu item choose Server Settings...

Be sure to include the Windows workgroup name. In the example above the workgroup has been changed to net. Your situation may be different. In many cases naming the workgroup simply workgroup is fine, so long as your Windows PCs connect to this same name.

Under this same window, click on the Security tab. It comes by default with the appropriate settings for a basic SAMBA Server. The Authentication mode should be User. You would need to change this only if you plan to allow logins based on the Microsoft ADS.

NOTCE : If you make it Share it allow users view your shared folders without login <---- Insecure :) Press OK to finish making basic changes to the server. B. Select SAMBA Users Under the Preference menu item choose Samba Users In this window you must Add at least one user who will have access to the SAMBA Server. Notice that only user accounts you created in step 3 should be added to this listing.

Press the Add User button, then from the pull down select a user. Fill out the additional information needed for this SAMBA user. Press OK when finished.

C. Adding A Shared Folder

Under the SAMBA Server Configuration window, you must create at least one SAMBA share directory.

Press the Add button and then the Browse button. Now choose a folder you wish to make available to SAMBA users. Be careful, some folders have permissions settings that do not allow sharing. Now be sure to select the Read/Write option to allow people full access. Don't press OK yet!

You should see your shared folder appear under the listing as shown in the example above.

D. Adding Users

In the same window, select the second tab labeled Access. From here choose the first option labeled Only allow access to specific users and select the users you wish to give access to this specific SAMBA shared folder. Press OK when finished.

You can repeat steps C and D for each new shared folder.

Once completed, please choose File from the menu then choose Quit.

STEP 5: Restart the SAMBA Services

Now you need to restart all SAMBA services. You can use the process found in Step 3, except press the Restart button or use the word restart instead of the word start.

STEP 6: Access the SAMBA Server from Windows

You're now ready to fully utilize your new intranet SAMBA Server for work. On any Windows PC you can access the server by simply going to the main Start menu, choosing Run and typing in the hostname of your SAMBA server. For example: \\linuxserver

Please notice that in the Windows environment you use different slashes and you need to ensure this syntax.

If this does not work, perhaps if the server is not yet included in your DNS, try accessing the SAMBA Server through its IP address: \\

Obviously you need to use an actual hostname or IP address and not my example.

If all works well you should instantly see a SERVER LOGIN window. Now login using a SAMBA created username.

You should then instantly see the shared folder as well as the individual user's personal folder that exist on the SAMBA Server.

Congratulations, you're done.


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